
October 20, 2011

Get Well Soon Basket!

Get Well Soon Basket!

So I don't know about you but when I am seems like SUCH an inconvenience and it's got to be SUPER SICK to get me to actually take down time and relax!  Well, when the SUPER SICK happens -- it feels good to have people care about you!

Welcome to my BLOG!  And thank you for stopping by!  I would love it if you would click on 'follow' to become a follower in the side bar and you can find me on FACEBOOK too!

My good friend and exercise partner in crime recently got sick - SUPER SICK!  I wanted to help in some way and felt so tied at the hands as we all often do when wanting to help.  I myself don't usually even TAKE help when offered and I KNOW  I'm not the only one.  Well THIS time...I wanted to make sure my friend at least knew how much I love her while she is down with Pnemonia!

I pulled this together without going to the store...only because I keep most of this stuff on hand...FOR JUST THIS REASON!

I started with a basket I had around the house and a tea cup and saucer.  My mom broke a tea cup out of this set and was getting rid of the rest of the set at our garage sale so I snatched them up!  I had NO idea what I would do thought I would figure something out!

Add a few tea bags wrapped in wax paper and some left over ribbon I had around the house...  

Next, I pulled out my tags left over from my SPICE GARDEN IN THE KITCHEN project and wrote a simple 'Get Well Soon' on the front.  On the back I just did the traditional TO/From and filled in the info.

I just tied it on the front of the basket with the same left over ribbon I used for the tea bags.

I decided to put a loaf of bread in the bread machine since it goes so well with tea...and I had a new recipe with dried cranberries I wanted to try anyway.  The bread loaf came out BEAUTIFUL!  (And from what I hear...delicious)

I just wrapped it in wax paper like I did the tea bags...and tied with the same ribbon!

NOW...what goes with bread and tea??  JAM!  But what in the world would I put it IN???

Question of the day...."What can I do with an empty BABY FOOD jar and a can of CHALK BOARD PAINT"??

Why fill it with JAM of course!  I ABSOUTELY LOOOOOVE HOW THIS TURNED OUT!  Adorned with the same left over ribbon of course......

Line your basket with tissue paper and then place everything in the basket and --- there you have it!

Regrets:  Next Time I would....
1)  Add some fresh flowers to match the ribbon and in neutral colors (it needs life)
2)  I would use tea bags without wrappers...maybe fresh tea leaves put in tea bags at home
3)  I would add Honey Sticks.  You can get them cheap...I might just hang on to some for future reference.

All in all -- it was the thought that counted I guess but I am truly happy my dear friend Kim is feeling better finally!

NOW!  WHO did YOU make this basket for??


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